العمل في شركة إفكو

    نحن نوفر لكم بيئة عمل لا مثيل لها – تتسم بالديناميكية والابتكار، ومبنية على ثقافة استثنائية من التميز مع فرص لا تضاهى للنمو والتطور. نحن شركة عالمية تنمو باستمرار، وسيكون لديك فرص لا مثيل لها للنمو.

    مزايا العمل مع إفكو

    تم اختيارنا من بين أفضل 100 شركة على صعيد التوظيف في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا في العام 2015 من قبل موقع "لينكد إن"، نحن نوفر لكم بيئة عمل لا مثيل لها – تتسم بالديناميكية والابتكار، ومبنية على ثقافة استثنائية من التميز مع فرص لا تضاهى للنمو والتطور.

    ثقافة مبنية على الالتزام التام بالقيم
    روح التميز والامتثال التنظيمي المطلق
    بيئة عمل ديناميكية ومليئة بالتحديات وتتسم بتكافؤ الفرص
    الابتكار والتكنولوجيا الأفضل
    التقدير والمكافآت القائمة على الأداء والنتائج المحققة

    ما الذي نبحث عنه؟

    في إفكو، نحن نؤمن بأن موظفينا هم رأس مالنا الأهم والأعظم قيمة وتأثيراً. ولهذا السبب، فنحن نبحث دائمًا عمن لديه الشغف والإمكانيات الكامنة لينضم إلينا في رحلتنا المتواصلة للبناء والنمو والتطور.
    الأفراد الذين يمكنهم احتضان التغيير وقيادته
    المواهب والكفاءات التي تؤمن بالعمل الجماعي وتتمتع بأقصى درجات النزاهة
    القادة الذين يمسكون بزمام الأمور، وينهضون بأعباء مسؤولياتهم

    شهادات الموظفين

    Andrey – General Management, British

    “What I really like about IFFCO is our company’s entrepreneurial spirit. It is so exciting to see ideas becoming reality. And I much enjoy being part of the truly diverse and multicultural team. By bringing people together our company provides opportunities for everyone to grow together with IFFCO”

    Maya – Communications, Lebanese

    “I have been fortunate to have progressed my career since I joined IFFCO in March 2012, the experiences I have gained along the way are precious and exclusive. My career here began as an Executive Corporate Communications and since then I have been given the opportunity, through encouragement, hard work and promotion, to work across several events and projects. These have brought a lot of benefits and experiences which aided my career progression along the way. It’s an ideal company for any motivated candidate looking for a rewarding career”

    Rama – Business Development, Saudi Arabia

    “It has been a great journey working with IFFCO since 2017. I joined as a Business Development Manager for Food Services and later took on the role of a Channel Development Manager.
    I can confidently say that the atmosphere in IFFCO is very dynamic with ample opportunities to grow and learn. I got to learn a lot by working with a diversity of colleagues and managers, which also had a huge impact on my personal development. I feel I’m part of a big family!”

    Akemi – HR, Japanese

    “I enjoy working as an Ambassador for IFFCO by attracting talented professionals to our organisation. As a Japanese woman, I am proud of the company’s commitment to diversity. I enjoy seeing our employees succeed in their roles, and making an impact for our organisation’s growth and cultural development.”

    Omar – Sales, Egyptian, IFFCO UAE

    “It is great to be part of such a diverse group. Every day is a new challenge, a new potential, which in return sets the pace for a continuous learning curve. Operating across multiple regions also exposes one to unique situations. This all has helped shape my career and unlock growth opportunities.”

    Denzel – Business Development, South African, IFFCO UAE

    “Working at IFFCO has allowed me to grow professionally, as well as personally. Having had opportunities to work within different teams, I have been mentored & led which has helped me to develop my natural abilities to produce quality work and increase my performance, helped me develop and nurture both internal and external relationships with a multinational workforce and customer base.”

    Mandeep – General Management, India

    “During my tenure at IFFCO, I have been thoroughly engaged – applying myself to the ever changing biz environment. Work culture at IFFCO is the defined by Highest levels Integrity, sound commercial acumen, engaged employees and world class infrastructure. I have grown as a professional. Work life balanced has ensured am able to serve my family and communities better. Freedom to speak is appreciated , hard work and loyalty valued. This is important in the world where – work is complex, environment is ever changing. As long as one is able to demonstrate ‘reliability’ in its true sense, reward and recognition growth is guaranteed.”

    ترسيخ للقيم، تعزيز لجودة الحياة

    المزود المفضل للمنتجات والخدمات المستدامة ذات القيمة المضافة في كل مكان وزمان.
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